There are plenty of people out there whose identities have no protection at all. I’ve never been that kind of hacker you see in the movies, who wants to destroy things. For me, it was the easiest way to get nice things, and not have to pay for them.
I don’t want to give away all my secrets, but most times, it doesn’t take too much effort to get what I need. I can buy social security numbers on the dark web for less than the price of a cheeseburger. It’s scary how easy that is – even to me.
I started out small-time, scamming people by phone. As that got more difficult, I moved to the internet. It shocked me how much I could get and how fast I could get it. I’m like, “these people have no idea what they’re giving away by not protecting themselves”.
It’s easy with everything being online these days. I can send a phishing email to people and get them to click and do the work for me. I’ve bought a lot of nice things over the years, and also had a little dental work done, courtesy of someone like you. They never suspected anything until it was too late.
There are ways to protect yourself. IDSeal is a comprehensive program offering incomparable plans at prices to fit everyone’s budget. Here are some reasons I, as a hacker, hate IDSeal:
1. The Whole Family’s Covered
Usually, I find married couples have some kind of protection for themselves. They don’t want anyone to hurt their lifestyle. But they forget about their parents who live with them, or their little kids. Well, older folks and kids aren’t going to know how to protect themselves.
IDSeal protects as many as 10 email addresses with some plans, making it more difficult to buy grandpa’s or junior’s social security number on the dark web.
2. IDSeal’s Experience
The experts at IDSeal have been at this for 20 years. There are major corporations with less experience. It’s a new company, IDSeal, but they know what they’re doing. I don’t know what tech they have, but it’s good. Real good.
Even though the dark web is still like the wild west, IDSeal checks out everything there, even medical IDs and social media accounts.
3. They Want To Make You Savvy, Too
It used to be easy to fool the IT department for big companies. And sometimes people get complacent, thinking, “oh, my service will catch everything”. IDSeal tries to educate its customers and make them aware of how they can do a better job of protection, too.
And it all starts right away. The minute someone signs up with IDSeal, their protection starts. This makes life tough for a guy like me.
You can start protecting your family’s identity today. Shop our PLANS and get protection today!
It is not possible to prevent all identity theft or cybercrime, or to effectively monitor all activity on the Internet. IDSeal, as with other providers, cannot guarantee complete protection against cybercrime or identity theft.
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Remember, 1-in-4 Americans are the victim of identity theft. It's not a matter
of if you'll become a victim, it's when...